
NEW YORK — Vote Mama, the first PAC focused solely on electing Democratic moms, today announced its endorsement of four candidates running for statewide positions:

    • Gillian Battino — State Treasurer, Wisconsin

    • Malia Cohen — Controller, California

    • Aramis Ayala — Attorney General, Florida

    • Charity Clark — Attorney General, Vermont

“Working families are in crisis, and we must elect candidates with the experience and values to lead us forward. At every level of office, we need to elect bold women who are willing to fight for the people, and statewide races are some of the most critical elections we have this cycle. We need leaders who will protect our constitutional rights, ensure our economic priorities reflect the needs of working families, and work to build a future that works for everyone. Vote Mama is proud to endorse Aramis Ayala, Charity Clark, Gillian Battino, and Malia Cohen. Each of these candidates have a strong call to leadership and will work fearlessly to protect our democracy, ensure our rights, and fight for justice,” said Liuba Grechen Shirley, Vote Mama Founder, and CEO.

“I am so excited to be endorsed by Vote Mama. Being a mom is the most central part of my identity and the primary motivation behind my run for Wisconsin State Treasurer. The health of society is reflected in the treatment of women and children and there is no better leader than mothers who put the well-being of all moms and their children first,” said Gillian Battino, candidate for Wisconsin State Treasurer.

“As a working mother, I know that running for office requires a support system to succeed. For too long, women like me have been barred from office due to the challenges we face when balancing our obligations at home and the grueling demands of campaign life. This campaign is about delivering equity and fairness, which includes expanding access to childcare for all Californians. I’m proud to have Vote Mama by my side in this fight,” said Malia Cohen, candidate for California Controller.

“Being a mom is an honor. It is also an enormous responsibility. I have learned life is not just about balance. It’s about merging the various roles in a way that works best for your family. Vote Mama understands that which is why I am grateful for their endorsement. They endorse the

whole person – the candidate and all that she brings with her,” said Aramis Ayala, candidate for Florida Attorney General.

“Thank you to Vote Mama for your support. Our nation is at a critical moment with so much at stake–reproductive freedom, gun safety, the health of our climate–I am running for Attorney General to fight for Vermonters, our kids, and our environment. Thank you, Vote Mama, for recognizing our shared values and seeing in me the kind of bold leadership that is needed to meet this moment,” said Charity Clark, candidate for Vermont Attorney General.



Since launching in 2019, Vote Mama has helped more than 350 Democratic moms run for office.

Vote Mama endorses, funds, and trains Democratic moms running for office up and down the ballot and across the country. Vote Mama is increasing the political power of mothers by providing the tools and training to break down the systemic barriers that hold women and mothers back.

Women, particularly moms of young children, face unique challenges when running for office. Vote Mama seeks to increase the political power of moms by stepping in to disrupt the systems that hold women back through direct financial support, mentorship, and endorsements.

As with all of Vote Mama’s endorsed candidates, these moms support family-friendly legislation and are committed to making this country a better place to raise children.

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