WEEK OF April 11 – 1 7, 2022

Snap out of that tech trance, Virgo, and pay attention to who’s around you. Powerful people will sweep into your world this Tuesday as horizon-expanding Jupiter gets a dream-beam from enchanted Neptune. For the first time since 1865, this duo of hopes and dreams is meeting up in Pisces and your seventh house of relationships, so these connections could have a “meant to be” quality to them. Thanks to global Jupiter, you’ll feel that cosmic click with people from different parts of the world—and who knows? Under these spontaneous skies, you might even hatch a travel plan. But easy does it, Virgo. While jovial Jupiter and dreamy Neptune can help you see the highest potential in any situation, their combined effect is like wearing a pair of rose-colored VR goggles. When this veil lifts in a few days, you don’t want to discover that you’re tangled up in a complicated web. Check people’s references and get real with yourself about whether you’re “projecting” positive traits rather than seeing things for what they are. This doesn’t have to be a buzzkill. With a little due diligence, you may confirm that you’ve sashayed into the opportunity of a lifetime!

Believe it or not, your heart could start beating a little (or a whole lot) faster on Thursday, when passionate Mars returns to Pisces and your seventh house of partnerships for the first time in two years. With the red planet joining Venus, Jupiter and Neptune here until May 24, your focus will be on your relationship status and getting your outer world aligned with your inner desires. The energy of this six-week transit is lusty, assertive and, at times, unquenchable. Just don’t get so swept away in physical sensations that you miss the attention of a potential soul mate. On the flip side, you don’t want to come on so strong that you apply pressure to a budding (or healing) situation. Pace yourself, even if doing so requires extreme willpower.

For attached Virgos, this cycle can deepen your connection and create an urge to build something bigger as a couple. At the same time, fiery Mars can ratchet up strong emotions, like jealousy, frustration and power struggles. You may not see these coming, so set an intention to get a handle on your feelings instead of allowing them to spontaneously combust. If romance is the furthest thing from your mind at the moment, you can use this amped-up energy to draw a like-minded business partner or creative collaborator into your life. Make sure you’re clear about what you need, have to offer THEM and what your non-negotiables are—because you could get what you wish for.

Recent money moves could pay off on Saturday, when the only Libra full moon of the year electrifies your second house (AKA the “financial district” of the zodiac). Congratulations! The seeds you planted six months ago are about to yield fruit! Are you ready to pounce? Your perfectionist sign might continue to tweak and improve forever, but at some point, you need to declare the project “good enough!” and put it out into the world. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by the feedback you receive—solicited and otherwise. Full moons elucidate things that have been hidden. In your second house, these moonbeams can illuminate an overlooked source of revenue—or (whoopsie!) an unpaid bill. Use the two weeks following Saturday to get all your financial ducks in a row, whether you’re brushing up your business materials or working out a payment plan for that past-due IOU. If you’re happy with your current gig or client base, this financially fortunate full moon can give you the courage to ask for a raise or increase your fee. When you return to the office next week, schedule a performance review to open up talks about “next steps.”

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