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On Thursday, the Biden administration’s Justice Department announced that it has filed a lawsuit against the State of Arizona challenging a law passed this year that ensures only U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections.

The law, House Bill 2492, sponsored by Arizona State Representative Jake Hoffman, requires Federal Only Voters, who are only eligible for casting a vote in federal elections, in Arizona to provide documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC). If they do not, they will not be eligible to vote in a presidential election or by mail. County recorders must also reject state voter registration applications that do not include proof of citizenship.

The United States’ complaint challenges provisions of House Bill 2492 under Section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) and Section 101 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The United States’ complaint contends that House Bill 2492 violates the NVRA by requiring that applicants produce documentary proof of citizenship before they can vote in presidential elections or vote by mail in any federal election when they register to vote using the uniform federal registration form created by the NVRA.

The United States’ complaint also contends that House Bill 2492 violates Section 101 of the Civil Rights Act by requiring election officials to reject voter registration forms based on errors or omissions that are not material to establishing a voter’s eligibility to cast a ballot.

The United States’ complaint asks the court to prohibit Arizona from enforcing the provisions of House Bill 2492 that violate the NVRA and the Civil Rights Act.

RELATED ARTICLE: Former Supreme Court Justice Gould Calls On Ducey To Sign Proof Of Citizenship Voting Bill

“The Biden Administration and the DOJ are proving once again that they will use taxpayer money to open the door for rigged elections in the future. Arizona’s law to require that voters be U.S citizens must absolutely be defended. As your next Attorney General, I will fight for election integrity and do everything in my power to ensure this law stands,” said Abraham Hamadeh candidate for Arizona Attorney General. “Arizona will not be bullied by the DOJ, Joe Biden, or anyone else in D.C. who thinks they can rig another election. I won’t stand for it and neither will voters.”

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