OSHKOSH, Wis. – On Tax Day, State Representative Gordon Hintz, WisDems Chair Ben Wikler, and Wisconsinites rallied outside of Ron Johnson’s Oshkosh office to protest his support of the GOP 2022 agenda – which could raise taxes on 32 percent of Wisconsinites and sunset Medicare and Social Security.

Speakers noted that while Republican politicians like Ron Johnson worked to rig the tax code in a way that benefited himself and his biggest donors, Democrats in Congress have passed critical legislation to cut taxes for working families, support local restaurants and small businesses, and cap insulin costs.


Watch the full event here, or see key remarks below:
State Representative Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh): 
  • “Time after time, Ron Johnson has treated people under two systems: one that doesn’t have to pay taxes – one that gets out of it – and the rest of us. The fact that we are seeing – just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse – Ron Johnson endorsing a GOP plan proposed to go after the middle-class and working-class and raise taxes on 32% of all Wisconsinites…”
  • “It’s time on this Tax Day to highlight the record – to pull back the curtain – and to say enough is enough. We can’t continue to go in the direction that Ron Johnson is advocating…And the only way to do that is to vote him out of office in November. So we can meet next Tax Day, a year from now, and talk about the push and the progress that we have made toward a more fair and equitable tax system.”

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler:

  • “In what world do we think the teachers, firefighters, farmers, and laborers should pay more in taxes than billionaires? Apparently only in Ron Johnson’s world. The difference could not be more clear. Democrats in Congress and President Biden are fighting to ensure that we have a fair tax system that brings down taxes on the middle class by raising them on those who can afford to pay more. Billionaires have hundreds of millions of dollars going in – Republican politicians are working to cut taxes to their giant mega-donors and stick the rest of us with the bill.”
  • “On this Tax Day, we can all agree that working Wisconsinites shouldn’t be paying for billionaires’ tax bills…We can all agree that politicians like Ron Johnson, who give themselves giant tax cuts and give giant tax cuts to billionaires, should be out of a job come this November.”

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