Colombia is a robust market for U.S. pork and beef, much of which is sold through butcher shops owned by or affiliated with meat importers. With support from the USDA Agricultural Trade Promotion Program, the National Pork Board and the Beef Checkoff Program, the U.S. Meat Export Federation is partnering with many of these shops to improve and expand the merchandising of U.S. red meat.

USMEF Colombia representative Don Mason explains that one important aspect of the butcher shop program is to educate shop operators about the quality and safety of U.S. red meat and to help them address customers’ concerns about purchasing frozen cuts. Mason adds that the program took on particular importance as Colombia was emerging from COVID-related restrictions. Consumer interest in high-quality meat to prepare at home, which increased greatly during the pandemic, continues to be strong even as Colombia’s restaurant traffic rebounds.

USMEF reports that 26 butcher shops are currently participating in the program, with many more locations targeted for potential partnerships.

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