Unlock Your Team’s Potential: What’s In Store For Learning And Development?

What’s hot in the world of eLearning? Which best practices should you implement in your organization to build a collaborative culture and support your teams? SweetRush ran a survey from December 2021 to February 2022 and collected a total of 241 responses. It spanned many different disciplines, from solution architecture to immersive technology, and 40% of the respondents were L&D corporate leaders. They’ve compiled all of the data and analyzed the findings to create this Learning and Development must-read.

eBook Release: Current Trends In Learning And Development & Learning Experience Design

eBook Release

Current Trends In Learning And Development & Learning Experience Design

It’s an exciting time to be in L&D! SweetRush captured insights from learning leaders and pros to help you unlock the full potential of your people.

Why Every Organization Should Stay On Top Of Current Trends In Learning And Development

Keeping up with trends doesn’t just help you formulate a game plan for your existing L&D strategy so that you retain top performers. In fact, current trends in Learning and Development give you the power to prepare for what lies ahead and mitigate risks. For example, you may still be on the fence about the ROI of immersive learning. However, all the signs point to VR and AR becoming the future of employee development for a multitude of reasons. This indicates that you may want to put immersive performance support on your radar and start looking for the right tech solutions or outsourcing partners in order to facilitate real-world experience and mistake-driven learning for your teams of tomorrow.

About This eBook

How do you even begin to cultivate a supportive learning culture and pave learner-centered paths? What are successful organizations doing to hold on to their top performers and fight against the Great Resignation? This eBook offers a rare and insightful glimpse into the minds of L&D professionals in a variety of industries. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find inside:

  • Let’s Talk About Skills: See what L&D leaders across industries (and around the globe) have to say about the top learning needs of their workforce.
  • A New Moment for Learning and Development: As minds and strategies have shifted, our craft has become a focal point for business (it’s about time!).
  • Building Human Potential through Learning Experience Design: In the space between challenges and opportunities, there is room to craft life-enhancing learning experiences for today’s workforce.
  • New Directions for Learning and Development in 2022: Want to peek into our crystal ball and see what the future holds?


Download the eBook Current Trends In Learning And Development & Learning Experience Design to dive into the data and hear what other L&D pros have to say about trends, challenges, solutions, and how to prepare for the future.

eBook Release: Homebase


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