How Instructors And Facilitators Can Blend In With An LMS

Some organizations shudder at the thought of online training because they’re worried about omitting the human element and that they’ll have to fire their instructors and invest in technology that takes their place. An L&D version of the “rise of the machines.” However, instructors can (and should) still play an active part in your instructor-led training program. How do they fit into your ILT and LMS strategy? Let’s look at how their role expands and evolves when you pair face-to-face sessions with learning technology.

eBook Release: Instructor-Led Training Tips for SMBs: Get Maximum ROI With The Right LMS

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Instructor-Led Training Tips for SMBs: Get Maximum ROI With The Right LMS

The right LMS can help you reduce expenses and support your top talent!

7 Ways Instructors And Facilitators Participate In Instructor-Led Training With An LMS

1. Training Introductions

Even after implementing learning technology, your instructors must still introduce the topic and provide an overview. They lay the foundation for employees, who can then venture onto the LMS to improve understanding. As an example, the instructor/facilitator sums up the main objectives and takeaways. What the employees should get from the experience and how the topic ties into their jobs. Then the instructor/facilitator invites them to participate in simulations or serious games that facilitate practical application. Instructors might even draw a virtual roadmap for trainees who are less than tech-savvy, such as which certification detours to take if they must prepare for a new job role or department.

2. Personalized Path Guide

Think of ILT instructors as self-exploration guides. They point employees in the right direction by subtly highlighting weak spots and recommending resources. Then your staff uses their personalized training path to focus their efforts rather than perusing the entire course catalog to see what piques their interest—even if it doesn’t necessarily address personal gaps. As a result, employees get more from your L&D program and develop their talents autonomously. They aren’t alone but they don’t rely solely on the instructor, which prompts them to take the initiative and emotionally invest in their professional growth.

3. Data Diagnostics

No more manually graded exams for your LMS-equipped instructors. ILT and LMS give them access to valuable Big Data thanks to built-in reports. They can quickly evaluate employee performance, progress, completion times, and certifications, giving them the opportunity to diagnose common issues and detect emerging gaps. Low assessment scores indicate that their ILT strategy needs some fine-tuning to improve knowledge retention. While slow completion times mean that employees are struggling and don’t have the necessary skills or experience. That data shines the spotlight on hidden truths that are more difficult to find in ILT sessions. Thus, instructors aren’t blindly developing the ILT curriculum, because they have better oversight and can act on the LMS metrics.

4. Source Of Ongoing Support

Combining instructor-led training with an LMS doesn’t replace instructor support. You can’t just give employees a username and hope they use the system for JIT training. Your instructors and facilitators are still a source of ongoing support, but they now have more resources in their arsenal. The LMS allows them to provide targeted recommendations that are easily accessible and diverse. Employees who prefer visual training tools can use infographics and videos to boost productivity while their auditory coworkers access podcasts for quick compliance tips and tricks.

5. Group Moderator

ILT instructors should not be responsible for conflict mediation. They aren’t there to diffuse tense situations or enforce anti-bullying policies. That’s the responsibility of your HR department. However, they should moderate online training discussions to keep the conversation on the topic. They may have to remind trainees of the community guidelines or recommend resources to resolve minor disagreements. For example, the social media group chat goes off on a tangent instead of centering on procedural pointers. They nudge employees back on track without resorting to ILT “babysitting.”

6. Event Host And In-House SME

This is a dual role and a perfect example of how learning technology benefits instructor-led training. Instructors don’t need to travel to the site and print training materials. The LMS allows them to host live events and share their expertise using video conferencing tools. Set the data, send out e-vites, develop an outline, and pair it with online resources. For example, pick the top five resources that instructors can suggest during the event to enrich the experience. This is also a great way to get employees familiar with the platform if they’re uneasy about making the switch. It shows them they don’t need to be tech-savvy to reap the rewards of your ILT and LMS strategy.

7. Feedback Facilitator

Instructors keep the ebb and flow of feedback moving to achieve training success. They provide employees with constructive criticism and praise. But they’re also open to employee feedback regarding the ILT experience. Another feedback facilitation role they fill is peer-to-peer communication. Are trainees paired with mentors or coaches who can help them develop talents and build vital skills? Is there a feedback system in place that allows for free-following collaboration? They aren’t limited to jotting notes on the employees’ exams or asking them to stay after “class.” Thanks to modern tech, your instructors provide remote feedback that’s personalized and immediate so that employees don’t make the same mistake twice and correct performance behaviors before it’s too late.


Give your instructors and trainees a shared spot in the driver’s seat. They should work together to achieve the training outcomes and bridge personal gaps. Learning technology doesn’t rob facilitators of their responsibilities but allows them to enrich their curriculum, provide remote support, and give/receive feedback. If they’re unsure about their role moving forward, use tech tools to solidify that shaky L&D ground. Boost their level of involvement by hosting live events and give them access to LMS reports so they can offer continual support.

Which LMS is right for your ILT sessions (and its instructors)? Our LMS online directory can help you find a user-friendly system for every member of your organization, even those who may not be familiar with learning tech and need a bit more guidance.

How do you know which software will seamlessly blend with your ILT strategy and deliver every item on your must-have list? Download the eBook Instructor-Led Training Tips for SMBs: Get Maximum ROI With The Right LMS for insider tips.

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