So long!

Outgoing White House press secretary Jen Psaki posed for a goodbye photo with Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy on her last day of work with the Biden Administration.

“End of an era in the Brady briefing room!” Doocy labeled the picture he posted on his Twitter feed. “Good luck, @jrpsaki.”

Even broadcaster Piers Morgan weighed in on the civil farewell between the two combatants, who were rarely saw eye-to-eye during White House press conferences.

“What a partnership,” he tweeted. “You both did your jobs superbly well.”

Doocy and Psaki exchanged lighthearted barbs during a May 5 presser in front of a room full of reporters.

“Sorry to see you go,” Doocy said from his seat in the White House press room.

“Are you?” Psaki shot back from behind her podium.

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Doocy confirmed his sincerity and he and Psaki praised one another for being a “good sport.”

Psaki did not share the photo of herself with Doocy on her Twitter feed Friday.

Insider reports that Psaki held more formal press conferences during her 15 months of service than all four of former President Donald Trump’s press secretaries during his four years in office.

President Biden sometimes put Psaki in awkward situation by doing things like calling Doocy a “stupid son of a b—h.”

Psaki said on a podcast last month that Doocy was understanding when the president phoned him after that incident to clear the air, calling it a “moment of grace” on the Fox News’ correspondent’s part.

Politico reported in April that Psaki had plans to work for MSNBC after leaving the White House. She will be replaced by former deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Doocy is the son of Fox News morning host Steve Doocy. Fox News has said the network is “extremely proud” of the work he does on its behalf.

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