Arizona Governor Katie has vetoed a bill banning the filming of pornography in any buildings funded by taxpayer dollars, including K-12 classrooms in public schools, leading the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Jake Hoffman, to call Hobbs out.

“Once again, Katie Hobbs is spotlighting Democrats’ far-left extremism by vetoing yet another bill intended to protect our children from exposure to sexually explicit materials at the hands of Arizona governments,” said Hoffman. “It’s absolutely sickening that Katie Hobbs is allowing pornography to be filmed in our state’s taxpayer funded classrooms. These should be safe spaces for our kids to learn in, not venues for the sexually explicit adult entertainment industry. No 12-year-old child should ever have to worry that their middle school desk was the location of a porn shoot, yet because of Hobbs’ actions, this is precisely the case. Hobbs should be ashamed of herself, and every parent in the state of Arizona should be outraged. This is a despicable use of government resources, and there should be legal repercussions in place to discourage these types of practices from ever occurring again.”

Hoffman’s bill was offered in response to a media report about two teachers in Mohave County who were fired after students and parents found easily accessible pornographic material posted online, made by the couple, some of which was created in the very classroom one of those teachers was working in.

The incident is not currently prohibited in state law. Hoffman’s bill, SB 1696, would have prohibited government property from being used as a site to film or facilitate sexually explicit acts and would have established a violation as a class 5 felony.

Former Republican candidate for governor, Kari Lake also blasted Hobbs for the veto on Twitter:

Kari Lake @KariLake

@katiehobbs just vetoed a bill that would have prevented porn from being filmed in our classrooms. As a Mama Bear, I am horrified at the efforts that far-left extremists like Hobbs are going to sexualize & indoctrinate our children. @azdemparty values aren’t Arizona values.

In November 2022, AZFREE News reported on the porn shooting incident that occurred in the Lake Havasu Unified School District (LHUSD).

“Samantha Peer, who went by the porn alias Khloe Karter, taught eighth grade science at Thunderbolt Middle School. Her husband, Dillon, was a fourth-grade teacher at Nautilus Elementary School. In a “statement” video, Peer blamed low teacher pay for her filming pornography and other explicit content. LHUSD hired Peer in January, paying her a salary over $18,000; the district hired her husband in August on a $31,000 salary,” reported AZFREE News.

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