
You’re an ambassador for Core Hydration. Can you tell me why that was a fit for you?

There was such an alignment with what both Core Hydration and I stand for. Wellness is a huge part of my life, and I only prioritize it more and more and more as I get older. Within the last few years, I’ve been realizing the importance of taking care of yourself and understanding that balance really is key to all aspects of life. Staying hydrated is something I have put on every to-do list, reminder, and vision board. … It’s a thing I’m constantly reminding myself to do more of. This partnership has served as the perfect reminder to do so for me but also to continue to let people know it makes all the difference in your mental well-being and your physical well-being. On top of that, Core Hydration just happens to be my favorite water, so again, it’s a perfect fit.

I feel like everyone could use a reminder to hydrate more often. There are three new Core Hydration+ waters, including Immunity, Vibrance, and Calm. Do you have a favorite? 

Honestly, picking a favorite anything for me is like picking a favorite child. I will say I love them all for their own benefits. After a long day, Calm is part of my wind-down nightly routine. I focus on shutting everything off and turning inward a little bit and reflecting on the day and whatever I have coming up and just taking a moment for myself. 

I think Immunity is middle of the day, on the go. I’m constantly on the go. Again, it always feels good to stay hydrated. I feel like I can tell when I’m not hydrated. My body has multiple ways of telling me and reminding me, and they’re not very nice reminders. But with Immunity, I’m doing something great for myself, and on top of it all, I’m getting that little extra boost because of what it is and what it’s serving.

Vibrance might, dare I say, be the current favorite. I’m always focused on maintaining haircare and nailcare. I just started coloring my hair, so I’m all about anything I can do to keep it healthy—my skin, too, of course. They all have these really beautiful hints of flavor that are so yummy, so light, and not overwhelming in any way. They don’t have any of those sweeteners or ingredients you don’t want in your water.


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