Former Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone said that in his view, there is enough probable cause for Trump to be arrested.



Fanone said to CNN’s Jim Acosta:

If you want to restore the credibility of the Department of Justice, we need to return to the rule of law, and, you know, my understanding of that is that no one in America is above the law, and my understanding of that is no one in America is above the law. 

if Donald Trump — if you want to restore the credibility of the department of justice, we need to return to the rule of law, and, you know, my understanding of that is that no one in America is above the law, and if Donald Trump there’s probable cause to suggest that he committed these crimes, which I think we’ve seen ample probable cause, he should be arrested. The case should be put before a grand jury, and if they indict him, he should be tried.

Notice that Fanone did not say that Trump should be convicted or put in jail because, in our system, those are questions for a jury to decide. If the United States is to return to being a nation of laws, Donald Trump must be held accountable for his potential violations of the law,

There is enough probable cause to arrest Donald Trump. Fanone said he is not optimistic that the Department of Justice will arrest the former president, but the best way to stop the Republican crimes against democracy is to hold the ringleader accountable.

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