MADISON – May 20, 2022 – Dane County Parks is reconstructing a portion of the park road at Token Creek County Park starting May 25.. Road closures at the main park entrance will require park users to use alternative routes to access the park via the entrance at 4036 Anderson Road.
This reconstruction project extends from the entrance gate to the group camp entrance. The existing asphalt will be milled, graded and paved over to create a new road surface.
Dane County Parks Director, Joleen Stinson, says, “Our goal is to minimize disruptions to park users and maintain access to the campground as much as possible while we complete these necessary improvements. There may be points during the weekdays where construction delays visits to the park, but the contractor will leave the park road passable when they are done each day.”
For questions, please contact the Dane County Parks Office at (608) 224-3730 or Alex DeSmidt, Park Facility Planner, at (608) 445-8665.