Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Aquarius.

Happy Birthday for Friday, June 17, 2022:

You are intelligent, curious and always wanting to learn more. You like to be informed, especially about current events. You have a dry sense of humor that others enjoy. This year is slower paced. It’s a time to rest. It’s also a time to focus on your closest relationships to figure out what brings you happiness.


(March 21-April 19)
You will enjoy schmoozing with friends and groups today. In fact, a conversation with someone might prompt you to rethink future goals. You’re full of positive vibes, which is why others will enjoy your company. Tonight: Socialize!


(April 20-May 20)
Today you are high-viz, which is a good thing. With fair Venus in your sign, you are oh so charming and diplomatic. This is a high energy day, which means you will have to act fast and stay on your toes. Work hard; party hard! Tonight: Impress others.


(May 21-June 20)
TGIF! This is a fast-paced day — just the way you like it. (You don’t do boring.) Grab every chance to travel and explore your world so you can enjoy adventure and an opportunity to learn something new. You want to be stimulated! “The game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!” Tonight: Explore!


(June 21-July 22)
Although you might prefer to be low-key and behind the scenes, nevertheless, you are charged with energy and ambition today. You will be effective dealing with banking matters, shared property and shared responsibilities. Who is responsible for what? You’re on it. Tonight: Check paperwork.


(July 23-Aug. 22)
This is a high-energy day. In particular, you will enjoy the company of others, especially younger people. If you can travel, this will please you because you want to explore more of your world and learn new things. Meanwhile, a conversation with someone will be feisty but fascinating! Tonight: Listen and learn.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The Sun is still at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight, which is why you impress everyone now, especially authority figures and parents. (Make this work for you!) Keep up the fast pace. Count on support from others to do your job. Tonight: Get organized.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Accept all invitations to socialize today! Enjoy a long lunch with a friend. Participate in children’s activities or anything to do with the entertainment world (as well as sports), because this will enthuse you. The more you do today, the more you want to do because you’re on a roll! Tonight: Have fun!


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You are high-energy today, which is why this will be a fast-paced day for you. Nevertheless, part of you wants to step aside and cocoon at home if you have a chance, because you feel the need to catch your breath. You want to talk to loved ones. Tonight: Home improvements.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Your mind is active today, and you’re bubbling with ideas. Travel will please you because you want fresh stimulation. New faces, new places! This is a great date day and a fun time to enjoy social diversions and anything to do with the entertainment world, the arts or sports. Fun city! Tonight: An eager discussion.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Respect your moneymaking ideas today because they could be worthwhile. Fortunately, you can use your high energy today to deal with loose ends at home or within the family, because so much is happening in your private life. Tonight: Make plans.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today the Moon is in your sign dancing with Mars and Uranus. This fills you with electric energy and derring-do! You are keen to explore new ideas and meet new people. You will also enjoy entertaining at home, especially with creative, young people. Tonight: Good times.


(Feb. 19-March 20)
You have lots of energy swirling around you today; nevertheless, you are focused on home and family. You might shop for your home today or you might make money by working at home. One thing is certain, you truly appreciate your daily surroundings. Tonight: Relax.

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