The California Air Resources Board (CARB) proposed banning the sale of diesel commercial trucks by 2040. The proposal comes just weeks after the state had to battle with high temperatures that threatened to cause blackouts throughout the state.

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California has consistently taken bold steps toward aiding in climate change. However, some of its actions have also come under close scrutiny. Its latest proposal is expected to meet opposition from the trucking industry players and other interested parties.

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While it is an established fact that transport is the largest emission contributor in the state, there seems to be contradicting actions from the government. On one end, the government is pushing for an end to gas-powered vehicles, while at the same time, residents are being asked to restrain from charging their cars to preserve power.

The proposal requires that by 2035, medium and heavy-duty trucks must be zero emission. Additionally, state and local government fleets to also be so by 2027.

“It would be the next significant step in accelerating towards a zero-emission transportation system as well as a more equitable future in California,” the proposal said.

Although the proposal is a step in the right direction, there are issues that the state must address to make it possible. Truckers have raised concerns over the inability of charging points and possibly sufficient power to run their vehicles. Electric car users were left without options when they were required to stop charging their cars during the recent heat wave. The underlying issue is now the lack of sufficient energy that the state must address as it transitions into clean energy for vehicles.

“That’s not going to work given how overly strained the supply chain is,” said Chris Shimoda, vice president of the California Trucking Assn. “We don’t have an answer for that issue right now.”

In the meantime, all we have to do is watch and wait to see the decision that will be made after all deliberations. 

Via L.A. Times

Lead image via Pexels

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