While arguments over car parking issues are common among neighbours, a person’s civilised approach in Bengaluru is winning hearts online. Taking to Twitter, user Subhasis Das shared an image of a polite note taped on a car window. It requested the owner of the vehicle not to park their car in front of the house. It said that the spot they were using for parking did not belong to them while the neighbour claimed they needed it to park their second car.
In the caption of the post, Mr Das said that episode took place in Koramangala. “Bengaluru – the city of epic content,” he wrote.
“Please do not park your car here!! We had already requested you not to do so earlier. Please understand that we have been living in this area since year 2000, and own two cars. Hence, we need good amount of parking space. Please go back to your earlier parking spot. Let’s be good and supportive neighbours,” the note read.
Take a look at the post below:
Found this in Koramangla today. Bengaluru – the city of epic content@peakbengalurupic.twitter.com/NoFelvA6bw
— Subhasis Das (@inframarauder) June 27, 2023
In a following tweet, Mr Das clarified that the car did not belong to him. “This is a random car I found on the streets of Koramangala. I don’t own a car yet,” he said.
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Meanwhile, internet users were quick to react to the post. While some called the note “polite and nice”, others hilariously compared the situation to the absurdity that would have followed if the same had taken place in Delhi or Gurugram.
“What a nice and polite note. In Delhi a violent confrontation or at least an abusing contest would have happened,” wrote one user. “If this had happened in Gurgaon, the neighbor might have already broken the windshield with a baseball bat,” said another.
“Wow this is awesome very polite. In return next time when they park their vehicle just keep a rose and a note of “Sorry” and probably do invite for tea,” commented a third. “Nice gesture in my view. In the same bangalore, my car got big scratch for temporarily parking it in street due to maintenance work at home. We have both extremes everywhere not just in bangalore,” shared a fourth user.
Mr Das posted the image a few days back and since then it has accumulated more than 134,000 views and over 1,300 likes.
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