Anyone who spent any time on Twitter yesterday could feel the entirety of the American conversation centered on the day’s testimony. The primary reaction was one of shock, obviously. People without an agenda have enough common sense to understand that Cassidy Hutchinson would be more than aware of the magnitude of her testimony and would never put herself at risk by lying about what she saw.

Given the power of her testimony, Trump’s defenders had very little to work with. Indeed, Trump himself, had little to work with, fighting ketchup allegations more than denying he wanted to lead the fight to the Capitol. But Trump did have defenders and they did what they could to attack, or at least question, Hutchinson’s testimony.

Take Lindsey Graham’s hapless endeavor:


Lindsey knows that all testimony, from every witness, will eventually be released as a public record and in the Committee report. Moreover, if Hutchinson had left out the most earth-shattering facts in her testimony, Hutchinson might simply say, “I was afraid,” or “I was trying to be loyal.”

What really happened is that Hutchinson had been represented by a MAGA-friendly attorney, then switched and brought in her own attorney. It is possible that her testimony is not consistent with earlier testimony. Hutchinson might have been uncomfortable with what she was being asked to do and used that sense to bring in her own attorney, who likely recognized that his client was in serious jeopardy if she “played ball” as a loyal member of the team.

There is a reason that Cheney finished the hearing by noting that witnesses received threats. One of those threats may have gone to Hutchinson herself. Her new attorney would understand the magnitude of the charges she could face if she didn’t cooperate with truthful testimony.

Lindsay knows all this. He just doesn’t have anything better to work with. Sometimes that happens in law. When the 7-11 video shows your client smiling at the camera as he empties the cash register, there’s only so much to say.

Adam Kinzinger knows what Lindsey Graham is doing. (Notice how everyone knows what’s going on? It is all about shaping the narrative) Rep. Kinzinger used the opportunity to provide Lindsey Graham with some valuable advice, with perhaps a wink. Lindsey is not known to be the most aggressive alpha male around the Capitol and yet he was told to man up.

As ironic and amusing as Kinzinger’s bomb may be, it is also entirely possible that Kinzinger is warning Graham. This entire thing is going down, it is time to stop playing the game and get yourself into a lifeboat. Remember, Graham did not object to Biden’s electors, he was not with Hawley, Cruz, and Johnson (All of whom may be puckering a bit). Graham was the one who said that he’d been round and round with Trump, then almost laughingly said it’s over, Trump lost, almost said with relief.

Lindsey wasn’t involved in some grand plan. He didn’t object. Kinzinger may be doing more than delivering the zinger, “Get out now, Lindsey.” He may be trying to do Graham a favor.

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