MADISON, Wis. — There’s a lot on Wisconsinites’ minds as the Republican candidates for Attorney General speak in a public debate this Wednesday, and A Better Wisconsin Together Executive Director Chris Walloch said there are serious questions about state issues that Adam Jarchow and Eric Toney must answer.

“Adam Jarchow and Eric Toney have taken dangerously concerning stances on life-altering issues like gun safety, abortion care, and more,” said Walloch. “It’s time these politicians are held to account, and that means the right questions need to be answered.”

Ahead of tomorrow’s debate, below are questions Wisconsinites need answers to from the top GOP contenders for Attorney General:

Adam Jarchow –

  • How does Jarchow believe he could accurately and morally represent the people of Wisconsin when he believes people who can become pregnant should be forced to give birth, even in cases of rape and incest?
  • How does Jarchow justify touting his campaign endorsement from the National Rifle Association (NRA), just days after Wisconsin narrowly avoided a mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade?
  • Further, how can Jarchow justify saying if a constituent doesn’t share his views on the Second Amendment, he “[doesn’t] want to hear about what else you have to say about any other issue” – when polls show more than 80% of all Wisconsinites, including 78% of households that own guns, want at least some change in current gun laws?
  • Wisconsinites deserve to know, how can Jarchow dub himself “Pro-Law Enforcement,” when Wisconsin sheriffs have accused him of spreading misinformation?

Eric Toney –

  • Toney’s campaign is endorsed by organizations that believe pregnant people should be legally required to give birth with no exceptions for rape or incest. How can Toney justify those endorsements when an overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites strongly supports the right to abortion care?
  • As the nation was still freshly grieving two back-to-back mass shootings this year, Toney was mingling with extremists at an NRA convention in Wisconsin. What is Toney’s explanation for such insensitivity?
  • Toney’s campaign website says he’s running for Attorney General to “enforce the rule of law” – then how come he’s been dodging Wisconsin’s open records law by still not fulfilling records requests sent to his office nearly half a year ago?

“With the Aug. 9 primary election just a few weeks away, Wisconsinites need answers on these key issues,” said Walloch.

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