SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — A lot of people remember the late actor and comedian, Chris Farley of Saturday Night Live.

But his younger brother Kevin Farley has been following in his brother’s footsteps for years.

He will be performing Friday and Saturday night at the Titan Tavern in Tea.

Kevin Farley has been doing standup comedy for 15 years.

KELOLAND News sat down with him via Zoom this afternoon.

Don: What is your comedy act going to be like tomorrow at the Titan, what should people expect?

Kevin: I try to have a good time, I try to relate to the audience and interact with them a little bit, but not a lot.

Don: Speaking of that you’re from the Midwest, Wisconsin, this is South Dakota kind of in your back yard can they expect to have a little Midwest flavor?

Kevin: Yeah for sure, it’s kind of hard for me not to get away from where I was born, so definitely Midwest flavor, it’s kind of my essence, very Midwest so I come from that point of view.

Kevin says his brother Chris was a big influence in his life.

As you can tell, they look somewhat similar, but they’re not the same when it comes to comedy.

“I’m not sure about our style I know people have noticed that we sort of have the same movements and some of the same gestures, which is a family trait, but as far as comedy we are sort of different he was more bombastic and very physical and I’m kind of not as physical,” Farley said. “You don’t look to hurt yourself. No, I said that to him, he said aren’t you going to fall on tables, no, his was much more physical.”

If you’d like to get tickets for Friday or Saturday night’s shows you can do so at the door, but they are going fast.

Farley says the best way to buy your tickets is online, click here.

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