RAPID CITY, S.D. (KELO) — The 66th Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo kicks off next week, and already crews are moving things into place for this massive event.
The Monument is getting ready to host the Black Hills Stock Show and Rodeo.
It’s the second-largest event in South Dakota, next to the Sturgis Rally, with more than 330,000 people expected to attend.
“People don’t understand that it takes an additional week on the front end of that and an additional week on the backend of that to set it up and get ready for it. So it takes a lot of time out of our schedules but it’s imperative because this is one of the largest events in the state,” The Monument Executive Director Craig Baltzer said.
Each day of the ten-day Stock Show offers day-long events that take a lot of hard work to pull off.
“So everything is going to take just thirty to forty steps just to get a World’s Smallest Rodeo put together, and it’s a one-hour event. We do those things every single day throughout the entire Stock Show, multiple times a day. And so it’s an exciting thing for people to come and see and plenty of things to do,” Black Hills Stock Show GM Ron Jeffries said.
“We have a bible, it is a binder that’s that thick of everything going on everyday. That’s what I live by so I know what’s going on and where to be at the right time and all the kinds of stuff. It’s really a kind of amazing effort just to get it organized,” Baltzer said.
The Stock Show has something for everyone, from the many Rodeos to a Bid Calling Contest, and even youth competitions that continue to grow.
“Our youth shows are again increasing in numbers. We’ll be at max capacity, it’s a good thing the weather’s going to hold for us here because we’ll be at a full house here, youth is definitely the place to go,” Jeffries said.
The Black Hills Stock Show officially kicks off next Friday, January 31st and runs through February 8th.