Sydney Carruth

WASHINGTON – Memorial Day weekend travelers are expected to pack roads and airports at or above pre-pandemic levels this year, with experts saying that an estimated 42.3 million Americans are likely to travel.

Of those, about 887,000 will be from Arizona, according to AAA, a 4% increase over last year’s numbers. The last time the state saw Memorial Day weekend travel volumes this high was in 2005, which holds the record for the busiest Memorial Day holiday travel weekend in Arizona.

Nationally, the number of holiday travelers is expected to grow by 7% over last year.

“This seems to be the most normal travel year we’ve had recently,” said Julian Paredes, a spokesperson for AAA Arizona. “People just seem to be wanting to get out, spend time with their families, go on vacation, even despite inflation and the high cost of gas and things like that.”

The rush to get away started earlier this week, with the Transportation Security Administration on Monday handling 2.6 million passengers, “the busiest air travel day they had seen since February 2020,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said at a Tuesday news conference.

RELATED STORY: Gas guzzler: Gas prices jump in Arizona to $4+ and rising