
Are you trying to identify a bird found in Algeria?

Types of birds in Algeria

Some of the wildest and most colorful birds you could imagine are found here. From the gigantic, flightless Ostrich to the Pink Flamingo, there’s something to catch everyone’s attention!


Due to the sheer number of species, there was no way to include every bird in Algeria in this article. So instead, I tried to focus on the birds that are most regularly seen and observed.

Today, you will learn about 4 COMMON types of birds in Algeria!


#1. Common Hoopoe

Common Algeria birds

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are 25–32 cm (9.8–12.6 in) long with a wingspan of 44–48 cm (17–19 in).
  • Its coloring is cinnamon-brown on the head and body, with black and white barred wings.
  • The head is adorned with a crest of brown feathers tipped in black.


Look for the Common Hoopoe in rural gardens, cities, plantations, savannas, and grasslands. They often spend time near piles of rotting leaves or a fallen log where insects, grubs, and worms will use it as a habitat. It’s like a buffet for the Hoopoe!

This unusual-looking bird has a variety of defensive tactics. Its movable crest is used for advertising and intimidating potential predators and rival Hoopoes. If that doesn’t work, this species is ready for a fight! They use their strong head and neck muscles to gouge their long, pointed beaks into opponents’ eyes, which can blind them.


In addition to their fighting skill and intimidating looks, they produce a substance that smells of rotting meat. They cover themselves and their eggs with the substance to warn away predators. Nestlings even have their own scent gland that makes them unappetizing to predators.


#2. Common Ostrich

Common birds found in Algeria

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults stand up to 2.8 meters (9 feet) tall and can weigh 154 kg (340 lbs).
  • Their plumage is dark on the body, with white wings and tail tips. Males are black, and females are brown.
  • The long legs and neck are buff to pinkish, sometimes with pale downy feathers. They have large feet with sharp talons and small heads.


The Common Ostrich is not only the largest bird in Algeria but also worldwide!


But that’s not the only reason this giant species is remarkable. They can run at over 70 kph (43 mph), and their kick is powerful enough to kill a lion! Interestingly, all this athletic prowess is for survival only since Ostriches are predominantly herbivores. They eat the occasional lizard but prefer fruit, seeds, and grasses.

During the breeding season, they form harems of one male and between two and seven females. Then, they raise their young as a community. Each female can produce up to nine offspring, so this village is particularly important!


You might think Ostriches look practically prehistoric, and you’d be right! The lower parts of their legs are scaled for protection, as was typical for their dinosaur ancestors.


#3. Helmeted Guinea Fowl

Birds of Algeria

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults grow up to 53-58 cm (21-23 in).
  • Their coloring is black with white spots. The legs are black, and the featherless head is bright blue with red on the face.
  • This species has a large, round body and a very small head and neck.


These chicken-like birds in Algeria are capable of flight but only do so when in danger.

Instead, they walk up to 10 kilometers (6 miles) daily in their quest for food. They’ll eat anything from small mammals and lizards to worms, insects, frogs, small snakes, snails, seeds, fruit, and spiders.

Outside breeding season, they form flocks of up to 24 birds and roost communally so they can alert each other to predators. They have an explosive take-off and only flap for short distances, gliding for longer flights. They prefer to flee from predators on land and can run 35 kph (22 mph) on land.


Helmeted Guineafowl have various calls, and some are more pleasant than others. For example, their whistling tune is much nicer on the ears than the raucous and irritating one found here.


#4. White-Throated Bee Eater

Common Algeria birds

Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults are 19–21 cm (7.5-8.5 in) long, with males gaining an additional 12 cm (5 in) from their tail streamers.
  • Look for this species’ white throat and white eyebrow on either side of its black eye stripe to differentiate it from other Bee Eaters.
  • Their coloring is bright green to white on the belly with a pale blue rump, a black collar underlined in turquoise, and bright yellow-orange on the back of the head.


White-throated Bee Eaters congregate in large groups, which protects them from predators. They also raise their young communally, sharing the duties of protecting nests and bringing food to nestlings.

Like others of their family, White-throated Bee Eaters eat hornets, wasps, and bees, catching them in mid-flight by leaping from a low perch. Before they eat them, however, they remove their prey’s stinger by jamming it into a hard surface several times to extract it. That’s a straightforward way to make sure your meal is safe to eat!


This species has a dry, high-pitched, rattling call.


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