A new poll shows Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) leading Herschel Walker in the Georgia Senate runoff, so Republicans have filed an emergency appeal to stop Saturday early voting.

The Georgia Republicans and the RNC filed the appeal with the Georgia Supreme Court:

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on an AARP poll that showed why Republicans are trying to suppress the vote:

The poll, commissioned by the AARP, pegged Warnock at 51% and Walker at 47% — within the margin of error of 4.4 percentage points.

Warnock leads voters between the ages of 18 and 49 by a 24-point margin. But Walker has a 9-point edge among voters older than 50. The poll indicates that 90% of those older voters are “extremely motivated.” About three-quarters of voters younger than 50 say they share that intensity.

The poll also revealed that Warnock has a commanding double-digit lead with Independents, who make up 30% of the Georgia electorate, so Republicans need to find a way to stop young people, Independents, and African-Americans from voting in the Senate runoff because anything other than a low turnout election means victory for Sen. Warnock.

Republicans love to claim fraud and elections are stolen when they lose, but their behavior in Georgia demonstrates a willingness to try to rig an electorate to get an unelectable candidate into office.



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