Meeting Summary, April 21, 2022 Meeting

On April 21, 2022, the Winston County Natural Resources
Council met with members of the Marion County Forestry Planning Committee at
the Ann and Bill Self Farm near Natural Bridge to begin planning a fall Landowner
Field Day.

Bill Self, Brenda Real, Tomeesa Shedd, Wade Hill, Robert
Clements, Joel Bartlett, Mike Henshaw, Matt Hannah, Amy Melson and three
friendly dogs met at the Self Farm and visited several sites, including a
shortleaf pine/hardwood planting that’s about five years old.

members present agreed to work together to host a Landowner Field Day during
the week of October 17th in 2022. 
Potential meeting topics/learning stations include Shortleaf Pine –
Mixed Shortleaf/Hardwood Management; Prescribed Burning; NNIS – Cogongrass
and/or Wild Pigs; Aquatics & Water Quality/Erosion Control; Drones for
forestry; CWD/Avian Influenza; Programs – Private lands programs – NRCS, QF,
WFF, etc.  We strive to host a free field
day and serve lunch.  Members will check
on availability of trailers to transport participants to the shortleaf pine
stand.  Part of the tour could be a
walking tour with learning stations set up in the pasture.  Members will also check on availability of
caterers, portable toilets and hand washing stations, speakers and
organizations or businesses that can fund the event.  Allison will send out a poll to check
preferred dates during the week of October 17th.  Zack Brannon and Winston County Extension
were volunteered to handle the registration for the event.

portion of the Self Farm was harvested, and his goal was to reforest the area
in a mixed shortleaf pine-hardwood stand. 
Site preparation burning occurred prior to planting shortleaf pine.  The pines were released with herbicide.  Fire lanes are maintained, and prescribed fire
will be introduced at sometime into the shortleaf stand.  There are other areas of mature hardwoods and
loblolly pine on the property, in addition to pasture and mine ponds.  The committees are excited to showcase this
property on a Landowner Field Day and greatly appreciate Ann and Bill welcoming

Cochran shared updates from the Bankhead National Forest –

Ranger Andy Scott sends his thanks and best wishes, as he embarks on a new job
in Mississippi.  The Bankhead Liaison
Panel will have a public meeting at First National Bank in Double Springs on
May 3 at 6 pm.  The Kids Fishing Derby is
planned for June 11th, Alabama Free Fishing Day, at the Black
Warrior Work Center on Hwy 33 in Lawrence County. Children ages 5-12, accompanied
by an adult, are invited for free fishing and lunch.  Alabama Power and Winston County Smith Lake
Advocacy are holding a Renew Our Rivers Lake Clean-Up on April 28 and 29 at the
Houston Recreation Area.  Volunteers
needed.  The Bankhead is proposing a new
longleaf woodland restoration project and a scoping letter was sent to the
public.  Associated with that project,
the Bankhead will be offering two stewardship timber sale contracts this year.  These will include pine thinning and
stewardship service work like treating non-native invasive plants with herbicide
and pre-commercial thinning of longleaf and shortleaf pine with handtools.  A field trip for interested bidders and contractors
is coming up this spring.  Prescribed burning
is on-going on the Bankhead National Forest with 15,245 acres burned to
date.  The staff is burning today.

Group Photo – Winston and Marion County Committee Members with Mr. Bill Self.  Photo Credit: Amy Melson, Northwest Alabamian

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