Shifting From Flash To HTML5

Online learning has never experienced a heavier demand than in the last two years. The global coronavirus pandemic pushed everyone toward a digital life, and online learning received an even greater impetus. Schools, colleges, and even organizational training and learning went online within a short period. This called for online learning to provide better and more convenient solutions that would make content consumption faster and easier, and a change that followed was the move from Flash to HTML5.

Until recently, Adobe Flash was the go-to for online interactive media. Even though there are a considerable number of options in software, programming tools, etc., the winner of the competition was always Adobe Flash. After all, this software provided everything to make learning fun. Developers could play around and offer eye-catching animation, attractive graphics, and other interactive features. However, with subsequent developments around eLearning, Flash ceased to enjoy its former glory and developers started a shift from Flash to HTML services.

Technology is a fascinating arena. What could only be done on a desktop once can now be accessed on a smartphone and operated using just your fingers. When software fails to update itself to remain relevant to such changes in technology, it is bound to run out of use. And this is exactly what happened with the once so popular Adobe Flash. With more and more people switching to handheld devices like smartphones and tablets, HTML5 became the go-to for online learning developers.

What Led To The End Of Adobe Flash?

Adobe Flash was pulled back in December 2020, though even before that major IT companies like Google. Microsoft, Mozilla, etc., had decided to end their software support for the program. Steve Jobs in his open letter in 2010 pointed out some major issues with Flash which indicated that the software was no longer in sync with the kind of services Apple offered or wished to offer in the future. Soon after, several major companies followed suit. Some of the crucial loopholes that Jobs discussed in this open letter were:

1. Poor Security, Reliability, And Compromised Performance

Steve Jobs mentioned Adobe Flash as one of the major reasons behind frequent Mac crashes. Also, the security features of this software were questionable. The software used by the Flash player heavily drained device batteries and was not compatible with touchscreen devices.

2. Slow Response Time

Adobe Flash took a considerable amount of time to support H.264 video decrypting. This heavily drained the battery, which was affecting the User Experience.

3. Did Not Support Touch Functions

Flash was developed to support mouse-pointer usage. This was quickly becoming outdated as the world was moving towards a touch-use experience.

4. Single Authority Over The Software

Flash was owned by Adobe. This gave them exclusive rights over the program, which meant that it was up to them to decide about new updates and prices. On the other hand, HTML5 is an open standard.

Why Is Shifting From Flash To HTML5 So Crucial?

There are several online learning sites and eCommerce websites that continue to use Flash. These businesses assume that they have invested heavily in developing their sites as per Flash requirements and they cannot make a move until they acquire a sufficient Return On Investment. Also, the pandemic did push many plans down the drain, due to a sudden hike in service charges and the related lack of resources.

However, it is crucial for eLearning websites to convert from Flash to HTML5, as the new-age consumers demand an experience that Flash cannot provide. Delaying this conversion can not only cost you dearly in terms of new customers but also in the abandonment of the existing ones. Not to mention, this lack of will to upgrade according to the current trends will severely impact your brand reputation too. Hence, it is the need of the hour to incorporate this move and remain relevant in the industry, and reap the benefits that HTML5 has to offer.

Benefits Of Shifting From Flash To HTML5 For Your Online Learning Platform

1. Offer A User-Friendly Learning Experience Across Multiple Devices

The new generation of online learners are millennials who want convenience. They want learning solutions accessible on mobile devices. So if you want your platform to have wider appeal, you have to offer one that is easy to access. Modern-day smartphones and tablets work with touch responses, and this is not possible with Adobe Flash. With HTML5, users can access the content on a desktop and other mobile devices. This allows them to have a seamless learning experience.

2. Offer Content That Is In Sync With All Major Browsers

Google Chrome stopped supporting Flash files in 2020, while Mozilla did the same in 2019. For anyone using these major browsers, any website that offers Flash files will not be accessible. This restricts your user base and the scope of your business by limiting it only to those who can access it. Converting your existing Flash files to HTML5 hence becomes imperative. Moreover, HTML5 is an open web language that is recognized by W3C. Thus, it is readable by all major new-age browsers and will continue to be so for a significant period of time in the future.

3. Improved Energy Efficiency

eLearning courses are heavily dependent on videos. All the latest devices use the H.246 decoder for videos. Organizations like Apple, Google, etc., have also adopted the same. But websites using Adobe Flash employ an outdated decoder that heavily drains the device battery while running videos. This interrupts the learning sessions and leads to a frustrating experience. With HTML5, you can ensure that the devices run smoothly in a power-efficient manner while the learners continue to pay attention to the online lessons without any distractions.

4. Heightened Cybersecurity

Websites using Adobe Flash require external plug-ins which have resulted in significant security loopholes. The software was also quite lazy when it came to offering security updates. However, this is not the case with HTML5. HTML5 does not require any plug-ins which removes any danger to your privacy and data security. The security plug-ins are also updated through web browsers and are faster than those in Flash. All these aspects ensure that the users of your online learning platform can enjoy your products without any fear for their data.

5. Converting To HTML5 Is More Affordable Than Redeveloping

You can opt to convert your learning courses from Adobe Flash to HTML5 by outsourcing the task to reliable companies that house expert resources. You can ensure high-quality HTML5 conversion service at just a fraction of the price that you would pay for redeveloping them. This way you can ensure that you offer an error-free and convenient experience to your users without any major downtime of the platform. By outsourcing your conversion requirements, you will be able to keep track of the project every step of the way. This way you can get the results just the way you wanted them and at your desired time.

Final Thoughts

As the world is going mobile, so is learning. By offering a platform that allows users a better learning experience, you not only stay relevant but also build a spotless reputation for your brand. Such timely technical updates also help you stay ahead of the competition and boost your revenue inflow.

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