LINCOLN COUNTY, S.D. (KELO) – A stand-off in southern Sioux Falls ended peacefully Wednesday after five days of law enforcement assessing the situation.

Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Swenson says this stand-off near 57th and Cliff stemmed from a woman refusing to leave her house.

The situation started on Friday with a court-ordered foreclosure.

“We made contact with the resident through the door, the deputies that were there,” Swenson said. “She then went out of the deputy’s sight from the front of the door and came back and brandished a firearm. So our deputies retreated during that incident. We just felt it was better to back out of there and try to de-escalate the situation.”

Throughout the weekend, Swenson says authorities closely watched the house but believed there was no immediate danger.

“Later on we were able to obtain a warrant for aggravated assault, which is part of grabbing the gun and brandishing it to deputies,” Swenson said.

On Tuesday, negotiators were called in.

“By the order of the court, we had to get her out of that house,” Swenson said. “We just elected to do it slow and steady and de-escalate it as we went and try to get the people out of there safely.”

Swenson says they took their time with this case for a reason.

“People get hurt when you rush things, especially in law enforcement. This is real life,” Swenson said. “This isn’t something that you see on TV. We are dealing with real people, real emotions. There’s just no reason to do it and I think this clearly shows that this was a very successful operation.”

Kathleen Clapper surrendered and was arrested on the scene without incident yesterday afternoon. She has been charged with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer.

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