Chief Justice Roberts, you are so arrogant and then ignorant when We The People become the victims of the judges with the absolute power in their hands.
Where are the rules of law, and the law and order when general American lives are killed or suffer from the lawless judicial system and the Democratic Party of Criminals by Criminals for Criminals?
For example, when the border is wide open because of the Democratic Party policies, it puts everyone in the criminal threats since judges rule on keeping the border open and release the criminals back to the streets: American people are directly intimidated by the judges by siding with criminals! The judges are thus hated!
Another instance is working with the fake news outlets, the judges blocked the election fraud from being exposed. When they chose to cover up the election-stolen scandals, they chose to burn their credibility and impartiality by playing partisan politics to protect the thieves.
The costly consequence is that the American people have suffered four years of stolen election in inflation and incompetency of Biden stealing everyone’s wallet. American people suffer because of the unfairness and ineptitude of the judicial system. The judges are thus hated!
Another unfairness of the judicial system: Just need to check why the J6 prisoners are unfairly jailed for doing nothing wrong when they have the constitutional rights to protest the election fraud. It is purely political persecution through judicial weapons. The judges are thus hated!
Shame on the judges! The judges are the real threat of democracy. The integrity of the election is thus ruined by the protection of election fraud from burning the integrity of the judges.
Furthermore, the judges used the weaponized judicial system to go after President Trump while setting Hunter Biden free from being investigated and charged. The judges are thus hated!
There are too many cases to show that the judges just keep burning fairness and thus the trust of the judicial system. However, it has repercussions after their rules.
When judges abuse their power like dictators, they put themselves into the fate of the dictators: good or bad, it has consequences.
In principle, the legal and logical outcome is quite simple: when you hold the power and you do evil or when you help do evil, you become evil. Then, they aren’t just judges, they are rats and abusers, like the CEO of the healthcare company.
We The People have eyes watching you: absolute power absolute corruption; don’t go extreme and abuse with your power; If you go extreme with your judicial power, the extreme will hit you back.
The key is to keep the balance impartial. Thank you!