This week, my mom and I are in France, and guys, as they say, Paris is always a good idea. We seriously lucked out on weather — 60 and sunny — and we’ve been taking long walks and eating all the bread we can handle. I’m looking forward to sharing a longer recap next week but in the meantime, I’d love to ask: What music are you listening to these days?

Last week, a reader named Sonia said she always makes a signature playlist when traveling. “I few new catchy songs and listen to them throughout my vacation,” she explained. “Then every time I hear them in the future, they remind me of my trip.”

Inspired, I put together a few songs — a couple French singers, some newer stuff, a few classics — and it has become my soundtrack for walks around town. Here it is, if you’d like to hear:

Also, cute little dudes.

Smallest/scariest elevator.

Dinner at Chez Janou.

Ubiquitous sneakers.

I’m curious: What would you add to the list? What are you listening to right now? Please share below…(I’m also loving this podcast.)

P.S. Our #1 travel advice, and what song is playing on a never-ending loop in your personal hell?