WESTFIELD, Ind. — The city of Westfield is planning a record amount of road construction this summer.

City officials have more than $42 million of work planned. Two of the biggest projects are along 161st Street.

Mayor Scott Willis said the city is turning 161st Street and Spring Mill Road into a roundabout.

“People running red lights, people turning when they shouldn’t turn. Constantly people pulling out in front of you,” said Linda Henson, who lives in Hamilton County.

“Just pulling in here I almost got hit by a car so it seems like there’s a lot going on and it’s pretty chaotic,” said Greer Byrne, who lives in Westfield.

That’s exactly what city officials in Westfield are looking to fix. The $3.5 million project will also add a pedestrian bridge.

He said this intersection is one of the most dangerous in the city and with Spring Mill serving as a major thoroughfare from S.R. 32 to U.S. 31, safety is key.

“It’s a safety aspect but it’s also keeping cars moving through intersections,” said Mayor Willis. “If you spend time in Hamilton County you get kind of used to these roundabouts and it just keeps traffic flowing.  Heaven forbid if there is a fender bender between two cars you’re entering a roundabout and it’s a much slower collision than if you have somebody trying to run through a stop light.”

It’s one of nine road projects in the works for this summer and early fall in Westfield that Mayor Willis said will help the city keep up with its ever-growing population.

Another major project will include converting the Monon crossing at 161st Street into an underground tunnel.

Mayor Willis said traffic will not shut down for this project as there is already infrastructure underground that’s been there for nearly a decade.

It’s another change Mayor Willis says had safety as a top priority.

“When you come up to that trail, it’s a very blinded spot for drivers and even pedestrians,” said Mayor Willis. “That is definitely our most dangerous intersection when you’re talking pedestrian and vehicular interaction.”

And as Westfield continues to grow, neighbors said they are eager to see all the changes, even if it comes with a bit of construction.

“It always sucks for a minute but it’s worth it in the long run definitely,” said Byrne.

“I think it’s a pain to deal with all the new projects but it’s great in the end of it,” said Ray Henson, who lives in Hamilton County.

Construction on the intersection of Spring Mill Road and 161st Street will start in early May and last about 90 days.

For a full list of all the planned construction projects, click here.

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