Do you have a demanding boss?  A new study found one thing about them can affect whether you think it’s acceptable or not.



A team at Ohio State found we’ll give our boss a pass for being a jerk . . . but only if they’re really good at their OWN job.  They used Steve Jobs as an example.  He demanded a lot, but also accomplished a lot.



If your boss expects a lot from you AND performs at a high level, you’re more likely to see it as tough love that’s ultimately making you better at your job.



But if they demand a lot and don’t do great work, you’re more likely to think they’re just a bad manager and mean for no reason.



Authors of the study caution though, that even the Steve Jobs types don’t always have an overall positive effect.



Sometimes, we think that our boss riding us will make us better at our job and lead to more money or a promotion.  But then it turns out they WERE just being a jerk.



(Study Finds)

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