Hi, I’m Representative Bob Donovan and I represent the 61st Assembly District. The 61st Assembly District encompasses portions of the City of Greenfield, Milwaukee, and Franklin: in addition to all of the Village of Hales Corners and Greendale.

I want to take a little bit of your time today to discuss the need to make public safety for all Wisconsinites a top priority and how Republicans are doing exactly that.

This past week, the Wisconsin Assembly held a session with the main theme of the day being, “Public Safety and Criminal Justice.” My colleagues and I passed 10 bills relating to these topics; three of which were my own.

I authored bills that would increase transparency in our judicial system, harshen penalties for those who partake in reckless driving, and require compliance to an already signed law that ensures Milwaukee Public Schools hire School Resource Officers in their schools, or face the consequences. These bills that I authored, along with others that were heard on the Assembly Floor were widely supported and for the most part bipartisan.

Sadly, there are some Democrats that believe it is more important to side with criminals, instead of constituents. This is simply unacceptable. Public safety is crucial to the fabric of our communities and I will continue to be advocate for common sense reforms that put citizens first.

Thank you.

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