At Tuesday’s (May 10th) regular meeting of the Walworth County Commission, the board discussed Amended Resolution 2022-05 concerning the disbursement of County Wheel Tax Money. They voted to keep all of the wheel tax money for use by the county for road and bridge. The change was made effective back to April 30th.
Highway Department:
A motion passed for the Chairman to sign the South Dakota Department of Transportation Pavement Stripping Agreement.
A motion failed on a request from a resident to lower the speed limit to 35 mph on 308th Ave southeast of Selby citing safety concerns. The commissioners had issue with lack of enforcement and possible future requests to lower speed limits in other areas.
The board approved entering into a Routine Maintenance Agreement with South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks specifically addressing Thomas Bay, Bowdle Beach and the LeBeau Lakeside use area.
Emergency Manager:
The commission approved a Letter of Commitment as Participating in the War Hawk District Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Walworth County Emergency Manager Jeff Jensen informed the board about a Sound the Alarm Event planned for all 5 Walworth County Fire Departments and the Red Cross on Saturday, May 21st to install smoke detectors in homes of residents that want them. Jensen encourages county residents to visit the Walworth County Emergency Management Facebook page for contact information to get on the list to have them installed.
Commissioner Kevin Holgard volunteered was appointed by the commission to act as Commissioner Designee for the South Dakota Department of Public Safety – Wildland Fire Division.
Also at the meeting Tuesday:
A motion passed to authorize publishing of job openings for part-time help in the Register of Deeds and Assessor’s offices, and also for Veterans Service Officer, and Weed Supervisor.
A representative of Grow South Dakota presented a report on the services they have invested in with in the county in 2021, including home improvement and housing lending, and asked the commissioners to consider the program in next year’s county budget.