Spending money in the Walworth County Highway Department was addressed at Tuesday’s (August 6, 2024) meeting of the Walworth County Commission.  Commissioner Scott Schilling asked Highway Superintendent Tom Hannan to list his equipment purchases.  Hannan said he has spent a total of $192,000 so far this year.

Commissioner Kevin Holgard and Commission Chairman Jim Houck exchanged a few words about it during budget discussions.

Holgard then made a motion that any purchase in a county department over $20,000 has to come before the board, which received unanimous approval.

The commissioners gave approval to start advertising for a deputy position in the Treasurer’s office.

A motion passed to advertise for a maintenance/janitorial position at the courthouse.

The board approved adoption of the State Records Retention destruction manual.

Commission Chairman Houck signed the KLJ Professional Services Contract for the two bridges project.  Costs for the work on each bridge will $48,500 and $25,500.  One of the bridges has more work that needs to be done underneath.


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