biden gallego grijalva
President Joe Biden is greeted by Congressmen Raul Grijalva and Ruben Gallego.

If you were in or near Louisiana in the fall of 1991, there’s a good chance you saw bumper stickers with those words.  Because of the state’s “jungle primary” system, David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, had managed to make it into a runoff election for governor against Edwin Edwards, a Democrat former governor with a reputation for corruption.  Years later Edwards would end up in federal prison. But, in 1991, Louisiana voters looked at the big picture and voted for the lesser of two evils—-Edwards.

Arizonans should do something similar in this year’s U.S. Senate election.  Even if you think Kari Lake is a bitch.

For decades, national conservatives and Republicans have counted on having at least one, usually two, GOP Senators from Arizona.  We don’t have that now.  In fact, we haven’t had one, much less two, for a while.  And that makes it hard for conservatives and Republicans to get things done in Washington.

Capitol Hill Republicans and Democrats know that individual Senators have unique power.  They can filibuster bills, put holds on nominations, and do a bunch of other things that can grind a policy program to a halt.  Many times, Senators don’t wield power by giving speeches to the American public and convincing them that their policies are right.  Instead, they gum up the works behind the scenes in the halls of Congress, often quietly and with no fanfare, until their opponents back down.

I’m sure that many of us on the conservative/GOP side have heard that chances are good (very good, in fact) that the GOP will take the US Senate in November.  That is very good news, but individual Senators from the minority party have a lot more clout than individual members of the House of Representatives do.  Your party doesn’t have to be in the majority to gum up the works.  One Senator from the minority party can do a lot of damage to the majority party’s plans.  Unfortunately, conservatives and Republicans have a bad habit of choosing to “speak truth to power” when they vote for a Senator.  They use their ballot to Send A Message to THE MAN!!! with their vote, instead of choosing a politician who will vote for policies they like for the next six years!!!

The more Democrat senators that conservative states (like Arizona) send to Washington, the less likely it is that any GOP majority will be able to get much done if Trump wins.  You shouldn’t expect a GOP Senate Majority Leadership team to soar with the eagles if we’ve sent turkeys to Washington to oppose them, much less work with them.

A small GOP majority will easily be neutered by a large Democrat Senate minority reinforced by RINOs like Linda Murkowski.  Most Senate Majority Leaders are not stupid.  They are experienced politicians who know how to read the room (or in this case, their caucus).  They don’t waste their time.  If they conclude that We The People didn’t send them enough conservative Senators to pass conservative policies or get conservative officials nominated and appointed, they’ll opt for moderate policies and officials instead.

If you want Trump—or anyone!—to secure the border, do something effective to reduce inflation, cut energy prices, appoint originalist judges, curb illegal immigration, etc…you can’t expect them to do it all themselves.  We’re electing a president, not Superman.  Any president needs help.  Specifically, they need Senators and Congressmen/women who can vote their policy programs into law.  And, if you want Trump to drain the swamp, it’s important to give him as many Senators as possible who want the same thing.  Democrats ARE the party of the swamp!

If the GOP does take the Senate, as looks VERY likely now, wouldn’t it be nice to have a Senator from Arizona in the majority party?  Someone who’s got a much better chance of catching the Majority Leader’s ear than someone in the minority party would?  Or, be able to influence behind-the-scenes discussions when Senate and White House policies are shaped?

So what if Kari Lake is a bitch?  Fine!  Don’t invite her to your house.  Don’t watch her commercials.  If it makes you feel better, swear when they’re on the air and give your TV the finger!  And, once you’ve gotten it out of your system, then vote for her to go to Washington and cast a vote for policies we support.  Vote for someone who will be more inclined to support conservative goals for the next six years.  You’re not picking a neighbor or a prom date here.

During World War II, Winston Churchill supposedly said that, if Hitler invaded Hell, he (Churchill) would have no problem with saying something about the Devil on the House of Commons’ floor.  So, in the voting booth this fall, listen to your inner Churchill.  Vote for the bitch; it’s important.

Don Smith is a Tucson resident and lifelong political junkie.  His Cold War history book, Steinstuecken: A Little Pocket of Freedom is available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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