Four years ago the Jackson Convention and Visitors Bureau was overwhelmed by issues and at risk of being defunded by the legislature. 

Jump forward to March 2022, and actions taken by the legislature signaled not just approval for the long-troubled bureau, known as Visit Jackson, but also a significant turnaround.

The city’s 1% sales tax on hotels, motels and restaurants, which funds Visit Jackson, was set to expire on July 1, but state lawmakers extended it for another four years with little controversy. It passed 48-4 in the Senate and 110-10 in the House.

The Jackson Convention Center opens in 2009.

The extension seemed to pass almost as a formality, in stark contrast to past years. In 2018, a bill passed that only extended the tax for one year, and called on the Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review, known as PEER, to issue a report on Visit Jackson and their operations. 

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