SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Progress has been made on temporary solution to the wastewater treatment plant issue in Vermillion, the city said in a Friday news release.

Residents are still being asked to limit domestic water use.

A temporary sanitary sewer line from main lift 2 and main lift 1 was completed by city employees. Construction of a temporary bridge to move sewage from main lift 1 to the wastewater treatment plan is expected to start July 8. It should take two weeks to build it, according to the news release.

Flooding destroyed the city’s three force main pipes that carry sewage for the wastewater system. The first two were lost on June 23 and the third was lost on June 27.

The damage has led to sewage being discharged into the Vermillion River.

A permanent solution will be developed prior to this winter, according to the release.

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