MADISON – After refusing to answer direct questions about the devastating education cuts already hitting Wisconsin schools, lobbyist Brittany Kinser is now claiming she can fix it all by simply having a conversation.

In response to Donald Trump’s order to wind down the U.S. Department of Education—a move that puts more than $1 billion in Wisconsin school funding at risk—Kinser had this to say:

Kinser called Jill Underly’s opposition to these cuts “unhelpful” and “unprofessional” and said what Wisconsin really needs is someone who can “talk” to U.S. Education Secretary Linda McMahon. (Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/21/25)

This is beyond naive—it’s downright delusional.

The Trump administration isn’t negotiating. They are gutting public education.

The Trump administration has already:

  • Eliminated nearly all staff overseeing NAEP, gutting the national education benchmark Kinser still claims Wisconsin should use.
  • Cut teacher training and retention programs, forcing states to fend for themselves.
  • Slashed funding for school meal programs and local farm-to-school partnerships, hurting both students and farmers.
  • Made it clear that they will continue cutting, with no plan to replace the funding states are losing.

Governor Evers is literally suing the Trump administration over these reckless education cuts. Wisconsin schools are already feeling the damage.

And yet Brittany Kinser thinks she’s going to waltz into Washington, sit down with Linda McMahon, and “talk” her way out of this crisis?

That’s not leadership. That’s a lobbyist who is so used to cutting deals for special interests that she actually believes this is how public education works.

Trump isn’t interested in fixing education. He’s tearing it apart. And Kinser, instead of standing up for Wisconsin kids, is criticizing Jill Underly for fighting back.

The threat to public education is real. The cuts are happening now.

Instead of offering a plan, Kinser is making excuses. Instead of fighting back, she’s refusing to criticize Trump because her MAGA mega-donors are the same people cheering Trump on.

Wisconsin doesn’t need a lobbyist who thinks she can charm her way out of this mess.

Wisconsin needs a leader who will actually fight for our schools. Jill Underly is that leader.

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