It’s been three months since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Life has been changed forever for millions and the impact is being felt around the world. Anastasiia Miroshnikova is from Kharkiv, Ukraine. She was part of an exchange program at Wyoming High School that took place pre-pandemic. She is back in Ohio after fleeing her country in the midst of war.Miroshnikova says like so many others her life was turned upside down in an instant. “For me, it’s still Feb. 24 The day when it started, and I just feel like just days just has never ended,” said Miroshnikova.She was able to escape by hitchhiking into Poland and then flying through Germany into the U.S. She had to leave behind family and friends. Miroshnikova says she feels a deep responsibility to give back. She is working to raise money and collect medical supplies for the Ukrainian military. “It’s like I live in two worlds. Here, life is still going, and in Ukraine life has stopped. Different people are trying to survive. So I feel responsible for doing something,” said Miroshnikova. She’s raised more than $10,000 for Ukrainians, collaborated on a benefit T-shirt line, and partnered with Matthew 25 ministries.
It’s been three months since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Life has been changed forever for millions and the impact is being felt around the world.
Anastasiia Miroshnikova is from Kharkiv, Ukraine. She was part of an exchange program at Wyoming High School that took place pre-pandemic. She is back in Ohio after fleeing her country in the midst of war.
Miroshnikova says like so many others her life was turned upside down in an instant.
“For me, it’s still Feb. 24 The day when it started, and I just feel like just days just has never ended,” said Miroshnikova.
She was able to escape by hitchhiking into Poland and then flying through Germany into the U.S. She had to leave behind family and friends. Miroshnikova says she feels a deep responsibility to give back. She is working to raise money and collect medical supplies for the Ukrainian military.
“It’s like I live in two worlds. Here, life is still going, and in Ukraine life has stopped. Different people are trying to survive. So I feel responsible for doing something,” said Miroshnikova.
She’s raised more than $10,000 for Ukrainians, collaborated on a benefit T-shirt line, and partnered with Matthew 25 ministries.