Baldwin made stops in La Crosse, Eau Claire, Madison, Racine, and Waukesha

WISCONSIN – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) wrapped up her “Hands Off Medicaid Tour” with a meeting with Wisconsinites in Waukesha who rely on Medicaid. At stops in La Crosse, Eau Claire, Madison, Racine, and Waukesha, Baldwin hosted roundtable discussions highlighting the dire consequences of Congressional Republicans’ moves to cut Medicaid and terminate people’s health care to pay for tax breaks for billionaires.

“Right now, instead of working to lower costs for families like we all should, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Congressional Republicans are spending their time trying to find what ways they will cut Medicaid to make room in their budget for tax breaks for the wealthiest and biggest companies,” said Senator Baldwin. “But, this fight is far from over, and Wisconsinites – like the ones I met with across the state this week – have the power to stop this plan to rip away health care for handouts to billionaires. I’m not backing down from this fight – I am taking these stories and bringing them back to Washington with me.”

Senator Baldwin visits Aptiv Inc. in La Crosse to discuss Republicans’ plan to come after Medicaid coverage

Senator Baldwin visits Marshfield Medical Center in Eau Claire to discuss Republicans’ plan to gut Medicaid coverage

Senator Baldwin visits Waukesha Free Clinic in Waukesha to discuss Republicans’ plan to rip away Medicaid coverage

Republicans are planning deep cuts to Medicaid that will jeopardize the coverage of 72 million Americans. In Wisconsin, over 1.2 million are enrolled in Medicaid. About 1 in 3 children in both Wisconsin’s rural and metro communities have Medicaid coverage. More than 300,000 kids under age 19 are members of BadgerCare Plus or another Wisconsin Medicaid program.

Across the country, Medicaid covers nearly half of all children, 31.5 million, over 8.3 million seniors, and around 15 million people with disabilities. Medicaid also pays for 6 out of 10 residents in nursing homes, with 5.6 million Americans counting on Medicaid for their long-term care bills and Medicaid paying for over halfof long-term care in the United States. Severe cuts to Medicaid will also jeopardize rural hospitals and clinics’ ability to keep their doors open. Over 12 millionrural Americans rely on Medicaid for health care.

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