WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) issued the following statement calling on the Director of the United States Secret Service (USSS) Kimberly Cheatle to resign.

“Following a briefing I received by USSS and the FBI, and according to Director Cheatle’s very own testimony on Capitol Hill today, it’s become overwhelmingly clear that the attempted assassination against President Trump could have been prevented. Secret Service had ample opportunity to take action in securing the rally ahead of time, not to mention credible intelligence leading up to the shooting. The mission of the U.S. Secret Service is to safeguard U.S. elections through protection of candidates and nominees. Director Cheatle failed in that mission, and rather than take responsibility for that failure, Director Cheatle has sought to point fingers and deflect. This deflection of responsibility was on full display today at the Oversight Committee, where Director Cheatle dodged question after question—refusing to provide even a sliver of transparency or answers for the American people. This is unbecoming of the office in which she holds, and she must resign,” said Rep. Fitzgerald.

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