Rep. Alexander Mooney (R-WV)

Trump-endorsed West Virginia Representative Alex Mooney defeated David McKinley in the state primary on Tuesday night.

This is another victory for President Trump who went 55 and 0 last week in Ohio and Indiana.

Business Insider reported:

Rep. Alex Mooney was forced to square off against fellow Republican Rep. David McKinley after West Virginia lost one of its House seats as a direct result of reapportionment following 2020 US Census. Mooney’s win once again demonstrates how crucial former President Donald Trump’s backing can be in a Republican primary.

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West Virginia is holding congressional and state legislative primaries on Tuesday — including the first primary election of the 2022 midterms where two members of Congress are competing against each other head-to-head.

Mooney is leading with 77% of the vote counted.

McKinley voted for the commission to investigate the 2021 DC protests. He also voted for the infrastructure bill.

The New York Times called the race moments ago. (9:15 ET)

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