The Daily Show host Trevor Noah announced that after seven years behind the desk, he will be leaving the Comedy Central program.

Video of Trevor Noah’s announcement:

Noah said in part:

It’s been– it’s been absolutely amazing. It’s something that I never expected. And I found myself thinking throughout the time,you know, everything we’ve gone through. You know, the Trump presidency, the pandemic, just the journey of, you know, the more pandemic. And then… and I realized that after the seven years, um, my time is up.

Yeah. But in the most… in the most beautiful way, honestly.I… I’ve loved hosting this show. It’s been one of my greatest challenges.It’s been one of my greatest joys. I-I… I’ve loved trying to figure out how to make people laugh even when the stories are particularly sh*tty on the worst days, you know?

We’ve laughed together, we’ve cried together. Um, but after seven years, I feel like it’s-it’s… it’s time, you know? I spent two years, um, in my apartment not on the road. You know, standup was done. And-and when I got back out there again, I realized there’s another part of my life that I want to…I want to carry on exploring, you know?

I miss learning other languages. I miss going to other countries and putting on shows. I, you know, miss just being everywhere, doing everything. And I’m really grateful to every single person who’s here. Even the people who aren’t here right now,’cause they went on to do great things, who helped us do this thing. You know, it’s a… it’s a weird thing to say. I’ve never been good at, uh… at goodbyes. And it’s not instant. I’m not disappearing. -If I owe you money, I’ll still pay you.

Trevor Noah turned out to be an inspired choice to take over The Daily Show after Jon Stewart. The show grew into a different identity that reflected Noah’s outsider view of American politics and sensibilities. It has more edge and a more diverse tone.

By the end of Stewart’s run, he was going on fumes.

Since he left the show, Jon Stewart has gone on to do great work on behalf of 9/11 first responders, but a nightly program likely The Daily Show has to be a grind that takes a toll on those making it. As Noah said, they have to find a way to be funny every night, even when the news doesn’t lend itself to humor.

The Daily Show will be looking for its next host after Noah departs, and here’s hoping that it is a woman. Trevor Noah showed that a non-white male host can be very successful with the program, so hopefully, The Daily Show finds another unique voice to carry the baton of America’s top fake nightly news show.

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