HENRY COUNTY, Ind. — Will a man rob God? Maybe, but a New Castle church treasurer and Sunday school teacher is being charged for reportedly stealing at least $214,506.39.

Amy Nunn, 42, was charged with five counts of theft, Level 5 and Level 6 felonies respectively.

Officers from the New Castle Police Department were dispatched on Jan. 21, 2025, at approximately 10:53 a.m. on a report of a possible embezzlement. Upon arrival, police met with three officials from Grand Avenue Baptist Church who alleged that their church treasurer, Nunn, had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Amy Nunn

According to court documents, the church leaders did not know that the money was gone until January 2025 when two checks bounced. Nunn, who had been the treasurer since February 2020, was not initially a suspect until she left two letters on Jan. 20, 2025, when the church members asked for a meeting to discuss finances.

In the letters, Nunn confessed to stealing the money. Nunn also resigned from the church in the letters. One of the church members attempted to help her prior to police being called.

“I’m so trying to help you, I love you!” said a text message.

Nunn responded by saying, “I have a major gambling problem. I got myself in a hole, thought I could just borrow $1,000 and pay it back. Hole got bigger, Couldn’t get out.”

In the letters, Nunn wrote, “I was stupid enough to think that I could “borrow” from the church and I have no way to pay the church back.”

The church had $132,730.40 on Dec. 31, 2024. In January of 2025 they were negative $562.44.

Below is a timeline of events of when the suspect stole and how much was reported to be stolen.

  • 2020: There was $1,140.36 reported stolen. The funds were spent on Amazon subscriptions as well as shopping at stores such as Kroger, Walmart, Ace Hardware, and payments to Metronet.
  • 2021: There was $1,623.26 reported stolen. Unauthorized purchasing occurred at Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, Kroger, Walmart, and Metronet.
  • 2022: There was $55,740.94 reported stolen. Officials found that $13,609 in tithes and offering was never deposited into the bank. Nunn allegedly spent the money on property taxes, Verizon Wireless payments, Amazon purchases, utility payments, and more.
  • 2023: There was $115,328.77 reported stolen. There were hundreds of personal charges and payments made to the card including tickets to Walt Disney World, BMV payments, insurance payments and much more.
  • 2024: There was $32,644.40 reported stolen. Purchases were made to Walt Disney Resorts, Apple subscriptions, online gambling, along with several other unidentified purchases.
  • 2025: There was $1,489.66 reported stolen. The money was spent gambling, Progressive Insurance, Amazon, and more.

There were a total of $14,845.07 in tithes and offerings that were never deposited and a total of $199,661.32 of unauthorized charges, according to investigators. The total amount reported missing is $214,506.39. The charges stopped when Nunn resigned, however other fees and accruing late charges still have remained with the account.

In an interview with police, Nunn said that many of the withdrawals were “accidents” and she had selected the wrong card and account when making purchases. During the interview, Nunn allegedly admitted to spending the church’s money as if it were her own.

This is an active investigation. Information will be updated as it becomes available.

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