I’m such a bag person. In the accessories realm, that ideal handbag reigns supreme for me because it has the power to take any look to the next level. So naturally, I get particularly thrilled when I have the opportunity to chat with another handbag lover. And yep, I actually just sat down with a legit expert in the field—Kimberly Bickle, site merchandising manager at resale mecca, Fashionphile.
It’s her job to stay up on the latest handbag trends and she’s also at the pulse of seeing what silhouettes customers are gravitating toward the most. On that note, she actually shared with me a few of the key designer styles that are most popular now and those that will hold value for years to come from an investment and resale point of view.
Keep scrolling to check out the handbags Bickle is all about, along with inspired shopping picks from Fashionphile. If you keep going, you’ll also uncover even more A+ bags to consider if you’re in the market to invest in a new style.