It’s hard to determine the rudest and friendliest cities, because sometimes the tone of the locals is affected by the vibe the tourists bring.  So why not ask people about their OWN cities?



There’s a study out on the rudest cities in America . . . and instead of asking travelers . . . they surveyed 1,500 residents of the 46 largest metro areas in the U.S. and asked them about the rudeness level in their own area.



In the end, the rudest city, according to its own residents, is:  Miami.



Here are the Top 10 rudest cities:



1.  Miami


2.  Philadelphia


3.  Tampa


4.  Louisville, Kentucky


5.  Oakland, California


6.  Boston


7.  Memphis


8.  Las Vegas


9.  Long Beach, California


10.  Charlotte, North Carolina.



On the flip-side, Omaha, Nebraska is the most POLITE city in America.



Minneapolis, Minnesota is next, followed by San Diego . . . Columbus, Ohio . . . Kansas City, Missouri . . . Milwaukee . . . Indianapolis . . . San Jose, California . . . Raleigh, North Carolina . . . Oklahoma City.



(For even more stats from the study, hit up

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