If you already feel like you need a nap, get in line.  A poll found we spend almost 1,500 hours a year feeling tired.



The average is four hours a day, or 1,460 hours a year.  Around a third of people said even MORE than that.



58% of us will avoid people or social interactions because we’re too tired . . . 34% have skipped an event . . . 27% have canceled plans with friends . . . and a third of us “often” or “always” feel tired even after a good night’s sleep.



33% of people said they usually try to just push through it and keep going.  The #1 reason they gave was . . . you just kinda have to, or nothing gets done.



Most of us aren’t pretending we’re wide awake though.  The poll found the average American will say “I’m tired” out loud three times today.




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