As someone who almost exclusively wears thongs, I have long been convinced I don’t need to update my lingerie drawers. That was until a recent conversation I had with the CEO of Journelle, Sapna Palep. She told me, “Just like you have a bra wardrobe, that has different types of bras that work for different activities and different occasions, you need a bottoms wardrobe too. It is okay to be a superfan of one style and have many of that style, but you should still have a few other styles as options. ” And she’s right.

In order to look as polished and elevated as humanly possible, you need to have a good undergarment collection to match. Underwear is often overlooked and saved for last-minute Christmas gifts but it’s a must-have investment for anyone looking to scale up their wardrobe.

Go on to see which types of underwear Journelle’s CEO thinks we should all own.

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