I won’t go so far as to say that I hate them, but I’ll be the first to admit that flats have never been my thing—for a few reasons. I much prefer the bold look of heels or a platform sole to elevate an outfit and if I am going to reach for a comfortable shoe it’s more likely to be a pair of sneakers than anything else. However, I’m also not immune to the trade winds of current shoe trends. And lately they’re blowing drives of cool flats my way. 

With that in mind, I recently took it upon myself to scour the internet for actually stylish flats that I would hypothetically wear, were I willing to trade in my many other go-to shoes. Deep into my trend research, I came to a realization—well, several realizations. Much to my own surprise, I found more worthy contenders than I ever would have imagined. I noticed that the more outdated flat shoes that made me a flats-hater in the first place have been slowing fading out of view and are quickly being replaced by fresher alternatives like pretty ballet flats that I’m actually into. I may have even opted into a few of these already.

Whether you’re a flats lover or a skeptic like me, you have to see the four new flat shoe trends that 2023 is bringing in and shop all the pairs I loved.

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By admin

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