Having covered the beauty industry for a few years now, I’m starting to realize that there might be too many bells and whistles (shocking, I know). Real talk: I even started using too many different products on my skin and contracted a light case of dermatitis recently. It forced me to take a step back and remember that less really is more. Using that many products with various ingredients (especially fragrances) can irritate your skin in the long run. Anyway, I digress. This was basically my longwinded way of saying that there are a lot of potential irritants in skincare nowadays.
Now, I try to select products that have no synthetic fragrances or other potentially irritating ingredients so my skin doesn’t have another meltdown. What’s a bit of a bummer is that a lot of crucial products like moisturizers actually have fragrances in them. I decided to get a little expert help for some recs since I’ve also realized that self-curating my routine doesn’t always end well. Celebrity facialist, Candace Marino, who has worked with stars like Dove Cameron, Kourtney Kardashian, Miranda Kerr, and Grimes, was kind enough to help me out. I even managed to get a few favorites from double-board certified plastic surgeon Smita Ramanadham, MD, who also has her own skincare line. Keep reading for all the best fragrance-free moisturizers as picked by the experts.