Bettina Looney

There isn’t anything else on this earth that I love more for a tight, toned, and perfectly contoured complexion than microcurrent. I got my first microcurrent facial with master organic esthetician Katie Sobelmen a few years ago and was immediately hooked. I was intrigued by all the incredible benefits it offers and knew I needed an at-home device to incorporate into my weekly skincare routine. Think of microcurrent as a workout for your face. Doing it even a few times a week can lead to a tighter, more lifted complexion—and that’s not all.

Sobelman also once told me a few more key benefits it offers. “Microcurrent mimics the body’s own bioelectrical frequencies to stimulate the muscle, surrounding tissues, and even cellular activity,” she explains. “One of the greatest benefits of microcurrent is its ability to increase cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP. Increasing this cellular energy allows for optimized cellular function, giving your cells everything they need to do all the important things like synthesizing collagen, creating new cells, repairing damage, and preventing invasion from intruders.”

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