Kind of Gen Z, kind of not? Sounds like you’re in your mid-20s. And you’re in good hands because so am I.

I was born in 1997, which means that I technically am Gen Z, but there are some things about that group that I simply don’t relate to. At the same time, the term millennial surely doesn’t apply to me. Therefore, I’ve found myself somewhere in between. I love getting to adjust my generation based on my mood, and right now, I have a foot in both camps. This sense of duality has made shopping so much fun. When it comes to shopping, I look for brands that bring life into my wardrobe. Having fun with my clothes is always the priority. The below brands do just that while also guaranteeing me compliments. I’ve had so many people stop me while I’m wearing them to ask, “Where did you get that?” The answer lies below.

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